Palladio Folsom Farmers Market
Palladio Folsom Farmers Market
Every Wednesday
9 AM - 1 PM
260 Palladio Parkway
(Whole Foods/Kirkland Pkng Lot)
Folsom, CA 95630
Year Round, Rain or Shine
What can you expect from the Palladio Folsom Farmers Market?
Up to 50+ vendors
Certified/Organic Farmers
Grab & Go Onsite Food
Gourmet Prepared Foods
Starter Plants/Gardening
Artisan/Crafters Handmade
Sign up and receive coupons, information about new and featured vendors, recipes, health/shoppings tips, market events, and more!
Farm Products & Other Items Found at the Palladio Folsom Farmers Market:
Artisan/Crafters Handmade
Baked goods: breads, pies, etc.
Canned or preserved fruits/vegetables: jams, jellies, preserves, salsas, pickles, dried fruit, etc.
Certified organic fruits
Certified organic vegetables
Coffee and/or tea
Crafts and/or woodworking items
Cut flowers
Fresh fruit juices
Gluten-free baked goods
Gourmet prepared foods: tamales, arepas, sauces, hummus
Natural pet feed
Certified Organic Fruits & Vegetables
Eggs / Nuts/ Mushrooms
Olive oil / Organic Meat / Fresh Fish
Vegan protein products including cashew cheese