Every week we host excellent local musicians to come join us at the market to share their talent. Weekly musicians entertain our patrons and vendors alike with positive upbeat music of every kind. Musicians perform for approximately 2-3 hours per event and should come prepared with their own audio and sound equipment. Since this is an outdoor event, sound equipment should be portable and you should be able to run it on battery or provide your own generator, that would be preferable. Living Smart does have access to generators at times if necessary. We welcome single performers, duos or trios to the weekly markets. Musicians can also busk for tips and showcase and market materials/products associated with your craft in the markets as well.
If you are a musician interested in participating in the markets to perform your music and share your talent, we welcome you to fill out the contact/registration form. Please also include a link to any music samples on YouTube, Website or MP3 for review. All musicians must be reviewed prior to being booked at the markets. Please allow a minimum of 72 hours to get a reply. For more information Email Us!
Weekly Year Round Farmers Markets - Rain or Shine!